See the movie.
This story talks about waking up to see beyond the boundaries we build from fear. It shows how easily we can allow the outside world to dominate us through our fears.
What if I have no fear?
Perhaps it is not about being fearless, but rather it is the process of working forward even when fear wants to stop me or turn me around. To me the difference is about managed fear; vs. working past the fear. I have done a pretty good job in managing my fear (i.e. just avoiding the things that present my fears), but how often do I work through them. The moment in the movie when the lead lady chooses to stay on the path of her belief, over avoiding potential pain, is the moment I hope to master. When do I sell myself out because it is easier, because I choose to manage around the fear that controls me? The question I ask myself today is “what freedom do I give up because of a fear?”
How often do I give up saying or doing what I believe because of what “people may say”? Have I avoided outward expression of my spiritual being? The freedom I look for is the freedom to express a deep soul felt connection. When I hear a song or tune that seems to talk to my deeper self (my spirit) I feel complete, and happy. Conversation, nature, anything that takes me to a deeper connection, is what drives me. I realize that what I fear is loosing connection, and yet it is fear that disconnects my spirit, not them, the people I may offend.
This story talks about waking up to see beyond the boundaries we build from fear. It shows how easily we can allow the outside world to dominate us through our fears.
What if I have no fear?
Perhaps it is not about being fearless, but rather it is the process of working forward even when fear wants to stop me or turn me around. To me the difference is about managed fear; vs. working past the fear. I have done a pretty good job in managing my fear (i.e. just avoiding the things that present my fears), but how often do I work through them. The moment in the movie when the lead lady chooses to stay on the path of her belief, over avoiding potential pain, is the moment I hope to master. When do I sell myself out because it is easier, because I choose to manage around the fear that controls me? The question I ask myself today is “what freedom do I give up because of a fear?”
How often do I give up saying or doing what I believe because of what “people may say”? Have I avoided outward expression of my spiritual being? The freedom I look for is the freedom to express a deep soul felt connection. When I hear a song or tune that seems to talk to my deeper self (my spirit) I feel complete, and happy. Conversation, nature, anything that takes me to a deeper connection, is what drives me. I realize that what I fear is loosing connection, and yet it is fear that disconnects my spirit, not them, the people I may offend.
I posted this picture of jumping off the cliff because it is an example in my life when I was able to “Feel the fear and do it anyways”. (I am afraid of heights). I may need to remember that I can make a leap of faith as I come to new challenges and fears in this next year.
Check the movie out for this great scene. It goes something like this:
The bad guy says "why wont you die?" and the main character replies " I am made of more than flesh and bones. I am an idea and bullets can't kill ideas!"
I love it.