Thursday, September 13, 2007

still Here

I've really slowed down. I see my last note was a month ago! Well August and first part of Sept were busy. I continue to struggle with getting pictures up and I'm at a bit of a stand still this week. I do have some great pictures from the last month and hopefully I can get them up soon but in the meantime I thought I'ld update my adventure stories.
I was able to do little travelling for work and play in August and this brought me close to the sea. Swimming, island hopping, and waking up to a beautiful beach was all part of the fun. I really enjoyed the boat rides and fresh Ocean breeze. I even have a tan now. The swimming and fresh air also helped to get over whatever illness I had been suffering and I feel very healthy again. I have missed my weekly runs and soccer so I can't promise to be in great shape at the moment.
Last week I was at a conference for volunteers and part of the activities was a bit of hiking and even horse riding. They were quite small for horses but the ride was well worth the effort and we ended up with a great view of green valleys. After the conference a group of us volunteers when canyon trekking. I have a fear of heights so I wasn't sure how cliff jumping, rappelling and rock water slides would all go down but it was great. (pictures to come at some point).
This week I was back to work after a week off. Work continues to be very enjoyable with lots of variety. This may only be interesting to my PT friends but I thought I would share the story of the most unusual shoulder contracture. This patient was in a cast with external fixator for a year for wrist fractures and as a result had decreased shoulder extension (unable to bring his arm back or even to his side) to at least - 35 degrees. When he lay down on his back his arm just stuck up in the air. He is from Manila and was hoping to get surgery so I wont get a chance to follow how therapy may help him, but I was wondering if Charlies ever seen pecs this tight. I'm sure I never have or will.
Back at work and into my regular activity; hopefully will be sailing again this weekend. I have to admit (but don't tell anyone) that I really don't miss soccer !! shocking for me to realize this too. I'm sure when I get home and acclimatize to shoes, I will be excited as ever for Friday night soccer. It is the getting use to shoes that will be a challenge. In the last month I only put on shoes for the canyon trek, I was very happy they still fit. I even ran 5 k's with flip flops because I met up with some running friends but forgot my shoes. I was very impressed that I could run with flip flops but I must admit I was pretty slow. I went on a big shopping spree and came home with 2 new pairs of flip flops (for variety).
With no big plans for the next while I will have time to get my computer working better. Till then, take care :)