Monday, April 14, 2008

What I learnt in Puerto!

well, can I entertain you all now!!
I'm a drummer. I know 10 beats...
like gong pa ta gong pa ta... and ta pa tapa tapa papa gong ..When you see the actual little video clip you wont believe I've only had lessons for 1 week!! (joke only). Actually I know music better than I thought! I know for sure I'm bad. I am pretty persistant though and I will come home with a drum and pratice!! (the tuperwear on my lap in the boat is me entertaining my work mates after a trip to the beach, with the sound of a motor boat, my drumming works)
Also in the pictures you will see my friend Rochelle, I like her singing. She sings for many of our work events. I've asked her to sing for my fairwell party. I'm sure I will have tears and have a hard time saying the good by!!
The picture of a sketched hand holding a candle is mine; my hand and my drawing. I called it brown out, that's what it's called when the electricity goes out which happens on occassion (like the night I wanted to draw!)
Oh that's the Adamant II I went sailing on a few weeks ago. (Will have to find water and wind at home). It's very exciting when the wind comes up but I will miss the kids giving me directions "Tak maam." (oops I couldn't updoad the pictures on my sailing trip. You'll have to take my word for it and come by to see my picture showing return party, I also don't have pictures of my tennis lessons but I'll hit the ball with you when I get home if you like. I'm not that into games, just like the feel of hitting the ball. It's great stress release.)
Anyways I am enjoying my new hobbies.
Also included is a picture of my favorite rock in the garden at Bahatala's teaching center (can't wait to start gardening. I am so inspired by all the growing stuff out here. I want to plant, plant, plant, I may even have to get a few more house plants!!)
A little more of fun artistic expression!
my feet. It's kind of an inside joke at work. I was getting advise on how to pose more Philopino style and we started directing (like the song) with to the left to the left.... then to the right to the right. So there are my feet to the left. (the feet to the rightyou have to see anouther time)
(you can see that volunteer work is all about the serious mission of saving the world!! The big question for us volunteers, did I help someone, did I make a difference, and the big one - is anything sustainable?
Well I did help myself, I made a difference in my life, and I can continue to draw when I get home (and Michelle says I can sail in the Okanagan)...sounds sustainable to me!!
I hope those around me feel as rejuvinated as I do.
Many thank you's to VSO, to Bahatala, and to the people in Palawan.
Visit na lang in Canada!!