Sunday, July 22, 2007

frustrated with internet

Hi. Well most of my experiences have been very positive but I thought I would vent a bit today. I have a letter and pictures I would like to post but I can't get good connection with my computer to the internet so I am here at the public computer punching away at fickle key boards and will have to wait to post my letter with pictures.

I hope you are all doing well. I am able to post more on my facebook site so if you would like to update and review more pictures check out Once you sign up you can look for my address (I'm under a Philippine net work) and I can hook you up to my albums. Well I'm not a spokes person for facebook but for some reason I have less troubles getting connect to facebook.

Another concern I have is I can't believe how fast time is going. I have been away for more than 4 months!! I was sure a year would fly by but it's like the weeks are days.
I am enjoying work still and the weekends are filled with a variety of house chores, shopping, sailing, and I am also doing some running. They have a running club just like back home. Next month they are even doing some learn to run clinics. I'm sure I will meet some great people with this group. The leader is quite the amazing runner. He is 67 and has ran 102 real marathons (they often refer to any distance run as marathons so I usually clarify and check to see if they mean 26 miles? or 5 miles?) Well he is talking about some ultra marathon he would like to organize so I may have to decide how much running is going to be too much. There isn't going to be a problem of not enough.
I played a scrimmage soccer game with the high school boys and they were very proper gentle men passing me the ball and giving me a bit or running space. Overall I was struggling. (Before I come home I will have to dedicate some time to my ball.)
Well I have to get up before my knees seize. I hope to be able to update pictures soon