Saturday, May 12, 2007

random thoughts

Time is definitely going fast. Between language studying (which I have to admit is not going great for my brain right now, I'm blaming a bit of a flue and foggy brain on that), work projects (working with the other staff to come up with formalized programs), preparing for a conference workshop in June and then just doing life stuff, the days go quick.
I am trying to get a routine to my life (yes after 8 weeks of no routine even I am wanting some structure). I think I need something to keep me active. Surprise, there is no over 35 womens' soccer league out here! So far my main activity is walking. I walk most places and in the midday I use my umbrella but this still has me working up a sweat. For Mothers day, although she does not know it, Michelle has treated me to a coffee and cake at the local coffee shop (it's a bit like our starbucks). I am surprised that I have not had Tim Horton cravings; has anyone rolled up a good rim? any cars? TVs? I seem to get "play again" most often so someone else is getting all my dud cups.
Work has started and is going well. I am enjoying the staff and patients and I realize how much I enjoy work as a physio. I'm not sure if I have bragged about the small special differences that I have found at work here. First No socks (every day!!), merianda's (snack time at work a lady comes by with a variety of snacks at about 10:30), the clinic also has parallel bars outside and inside, and there is a nice busy but easy flow to the days.
I am still thinking of home often. Yesterday I had to buy ice cream cone from the vendor because he was wearing a Molson Canadian hat. I should have taken a picture with him. (maybe I will run into him again. He was probably wondering why this strange lady was so excited to buy ice cream from him because of his hat!)
My picture taking is slowing down but maybe next time I will have a collection that is not just trees, plants and my feet.
magisip ako sayo (thinking of you all)