Monday, April 23, 2007


Hi, as my final few days in Manila have crept up very quickly, I have been caring my camera around to take a few shots. I went from street market, shanties, busy streets and all the garbage and dirt that can go with that; to a posh British celebration for the Queen's birthday.
Clothing wise you can probably imagine I was more comfortable in the streets. I was quite concerned that I didn't have my personal clothing advisor (you know who you are!! and her side kick, the hairdo girl). Well I was so concerned I bought makeup (OK it was only eye liner and lip gloss). The night was very nice with lots of traditional English food in a beautiful garden. ( I didn't bring my camera to this event, I was a bit doubtful that security would approve of me pulling out a camera from my dainty hand purse and snapping random shots.)
Well some of the other pictures are of my day trip: a churches, a temple ontop of a building, 2 different street markets. I definitely brought more than I needed. I really could buy everything here, (except jeans that fit my thighs!!) for very good prices. Oh well next time!!!
And I am very pleased that I brought my own soccer ball. It definite been a source of comfort.
Unfortunately the shopping pictures don't really capture the days experience: it is very noisy with traffic, people, horns and stuff; the smells, fish market (don't need to say more); the full dimension of ongoing street, people up, down and all around; can't forget the heat!! Although it may not be written up in the tourist guide, it is a valuable experience to check out these big busy markets and shops.
I also included a few pictures of the Canadian Embassy. I was inspired to go register, thinking I may run into a bit of a Canadian experience. It was a very crowded train ride and 30 minute walk just one way. As I got close I felt comfort in the Canadian flag. (a few pictures). With my Mouse head t-shirt on, and all ready to say eh I headed up to the office. Well registering involved a few moments filling in a form and that was it. I didn't even run into one Canadian. Oh well, next year I'll see you all (add the drawl for effect!)
take care


Anonymous said...

Hey There;
The girls start the outdoor season Tuesday evening. Spring has finally come to the frozen north and your sister is itching to go play in the dirt.
Everyone else seems to be good. Oma is coming up for Theresa's Confirmation (mid May). Haven't heard much from your hubby. We were planning on getting him over for supper one night since he's probably tired of restaurant meals and his own cooking. Send some pictures of the bugs you find (before they get stepped on).
Shiny Side Up

Anonymous said...

Hi Bunso
We have been following your progress and it sounds like quite an adventure so far. The pictures are great. We've been wondering if you've seen Eric and Pepe yet.

We are doing good. My lettuce and radishes are up and this year I finally got lots of compost out of the composters. We moved the garden box to a sunnier location and with all the compost I have high hopes for this year. Last week we caught a deer in the back yard. Her two buddies stayed in the front. I guess the bunnies are off the hook. I was wondering how bunnies could eat so many bean plants in one go.

Keep up the pictures.