Tuesday, July 17, 2007

a bit from work

There are pictures of disability week parade. The picture in the pick up show some of the staff and Sam (the skeleton) as we drove about. When we went past a school; Sam and I (the white lady with a camera) created excitement for the kids.
Unfortunately even with awareness and policies there are many limit for those with disabilities. The focus this year was with access there is success. It sounds great only the phrase itself wont make a difference. It's an area of real frustration for me because it's difficult to know were the solution needs to start from. I have challenges walking to work and couldn't imagine getting anywhere with mobility issues. (when there is a sidewalk it may have a big hole in it, vehicles park on the sidewalk, if there are ramps, they are often too steep, well the list goes on).
The pictures carry on to show a few regular patients and the space we work in (including outside, my favorite). I have some great patients that are regulars and they agreed to be models for my blog. Take note, I will be looking at changing the dress code for work to include flip flops and tie dy pants. It's my favorite work outfit. (There is a high degree of playing close attention what is going on when helping patients on the wobble board and wearing flip flops!!).
The stroke patients come in the morning and children with CP in the afternoon. Right now there is a trend of teens with scoliosis, and like back home, there is always a regular flow of folks with back pain. Posture education is a very big part of my day.
With the number of young men riding motor bikes all day I'm surprised any of them can walk. (A very common career is to be a tricycle driver and they can work many hours sitting on the bike, I often notice them sitting a bit sideways, mixing it up I guess). As a pedestrian I am often frustrated by the fact they don't seem to notice me or care when they cut me off or drive right at me (on the sidewalk). I try to keep in mind that there job in not easy.
Some PT thing I find interesting (I'm sure some of you won't care) is rarity of planterfascitis. We spend a lot of time and effort getting our feet support and orthotics and still have planterfascitis. Flip flops, cheap sandal definitely no orthotics and no planterfascitis here(even the foot pains I had last year are good in Flip flops, cheap sandal and no orthotics.)
The guys that play soccer don't seem to get the knee injuries, ankle sprains, and other common injuries (they didn't care I was a PT and could help them with injuries, I got a kind of what for look when I offered). Well, always something new to learn. Take care.

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