Saturday, March 1, 2008

February Part 1

The Milo Marathon!! An amazing run held across the country. It's called the Milo Marathon because Milo, the makers of a very sweet chocolate flavored milk drink called a breakfast drink, sponsors the run and even though it's only 21 K, I guess that's close to a marathon? (there was also a 5 k distance and a kids 3 k). It was a grand experience standing around with the prerun crowd of over 10 000 participants (only a few hundred in the 21 k) Luckily the 21 k group got to start first. There is a picture of a small group of the dedicated women runners of Puerto; 7 in total for the 21 k. There would have been a few more younger girls but you have to be 18 to run. The challenges for me was I hadn't trained and was hesitant to even run. Luckily Ernie, the grand running motivate convinced me to run to at least finish. Well after experiencing the grand start, then finished in under 2 hours, and enjoyed a fun medal ceremony with Cheer leaders and a hyped up crowd; I can say its been my most exciting road run. There is a picture of my favorite running family. Ira, the eldest daughter got first, you can see her finishing (a friend held my camera but didn't get me at the finish line so you just have to believe that I did it!). The top three male and female finishers are invited to Manila in the upcoming year to compete against top finishers in other district runs. If they would bring me back from Canada to run I may have pulled a bit deeper to try to get 3rd. In the end I was very happy with my time and getting 4th amongst the ladies. (I'll have more pictures later).
With the run, a trip to Cebu for a VSO conferance on disability, a field trip to Northern Palawan, regular work, and worrying about my sister February was very busy (my sister is doing well now, I am very pleased to say). I have become extra anxious about seeing my family and friends at home with the worry and reflexions of the past month. I am working on finishing my time here with some useful "stuff" (whatever may inspire a health care system to help the many needing patients here) and at the same time savour the weather, beach, and many unique aspects of my day to day life.
Thinking a head a bit, I'm also needing to updating my resume. Anyone want a PT? I'm looking for something fairly casual - dress code of flip flops and tie die pants preferable!
The picture of the pool and city view are from the hotel in Cebu (nice pool but it was cold!! that's me the weather wimp complaining already). In Cebu I also had a field trip to another volunteers placement (He has a very cool job of working at a junk yard helping people with disabilities segregate, organize and maximize the financial potential of junk!! He makes greeting card from recycled cardboard and stuff). Also in Cebu I met a class of PT students. I shared a little question answer time and a little of what work in Canada is like. It is ironic that so many students want to work abroad. I emphasised to them that my job here in the Philippines has been my most enjoyable job in 20 years of work (20 years!! wow hard for me to believe I've been around so long!).
See you all soon. Ingat

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